Oil on Canvas 16x20 |
Twin Falls has an access road for residents that travels the better part of a mile alongside Ho’olawa Stream. A jungle largely restored by the residents over the years accompanies you as you proceed up the path. Two foot paths fork in the direction of Ho’olawa’s two main tributary streams. To the left, Ho’olawa li’ili’i (Little Ho’olawa) Stream, and to the right Ho’olawa nui (Big Ho’olawa) Stream. Both streams are tapped at this point by EMI irrigation canals. As you approach the waterfall, the water spills over an open rift dripping in vines and greenery. After you’re tired of playing here, you can continue on by climbing up a path to the right (as you face the falls) – and through the jungle. This path continues in a loop, passing more waterfalls as it loops back down via Ho’olawa nuiStream.